Searching for tender opportunities in Singapore? Our improved search makes it even easier to find tenders now.

Our tender search capabilities have improved, making it even easier to find tenders in Singapore. When searching for tenders on our site, you can now fine tune your search by using the "Refine Your Search" button:

Clicking this button opens a pop-up that allows you to filter the tenders in 2 ways:

  1. Filter by Host Site: It is now possible to filter tenders based on their originating host sites. For example, you may choose to only see tenders from GeBIZ, or the inverse, to only see tenders that are not from GeBIZ. Or better yet, view tenders that are TenderBoard Exclusive! This is easily selectable via a drop down list, which also shows you the number of tenders for each selection:
  2. Filter by Buyer: Works exactly as it sounds, select the buyer whose tenders you would like to view. There is also a free text search that allows you to find a buyer quickly. You can even combine this with the buyer group filter to narrow down the search even more.
  3. Filter by Tender Status (only for closed tenders): When searching through past tenders, you get an extra filter that allows you to view tenders with the specified status, either Awarded, Cancelled, or No Award:

Thanks for all the feedback that made this possible. We are constantly improving our site and would love to hear your thoughts on this enhancement or other areas that you thought could be improved. Just drop us a note!

We hope this makes your searches more effective. Happy Searching!