Finding Business Opportunities and Tenders in Singapore just got easier again

We have enhanced our search capabilities again, making it easier and clearer when looking for business opportunities and tenders through our site. There are 2 updates:

1. Search Summary Bar

Appearing at the top of the search pages is a summary bar that tells you the number of records in total that match your search requirements, as well as the current number of records being viewed. When you filter the results, the summary bar is automatically refreshed to show the filters and updated number of matching records. You may even remove the filter easily by clicking the on the filter in the summary bar.

2. A More POWERFUL Search Backend

We have changed the backend that powers our search, the result? Much faster search! Our tests indicate that searching is at least 5 times quicker now.

We have made a number of improvements for our search capabilites the past couple of weeks (see other blog here), and hope this improves your experience on Tenderboard and more importantly, to find all the tenders relevant to your business. Do let us know your feedback, and as usual, happy searching!